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Fry, B., C. Young, C.G. Montaña, L. Kelso-Winemiller & K.O. Winemiller (In Review). Intra-guild and spatial variation in trophic ecology of fishes in the Rupununi River Guyana: evidence from isotope analysis. Neotropical Ichthyology
Montaña C.G., C.S. Adams, Arnett, J.M & C.M. Schalk (In Review). Resource Niche partitioning among native and non-native lizards in an urban environment. Canadian journal of Zoology.
Shepta, E.G, C. Plummer & C.G. Montaña. (In PRESS). Assessing the health of a stream in East Texas: An approach using aquatic invertebrates and fish as bioindicators. Southeastern Naturalist.
Li, J., Z. Huang, W. Guo, B Liu, C.G. Montaña, H. Wang, Z. Wang. 2024. River regulation effects on zooplankton community assembly: implications for arid river restoration and conservation. River Research and Applications.
Rosenbaum, D.G., C.G. Montaña, Y. Zhang, M. Chumchal, D. Saenz & C.M. Schalk. 2024. Intraspecific Variation in Mercury Contamination of Alligator Snapping Turtles (Macrochelys temminckii). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.
Shepta, E.G, J. Perkin, K. Mayes, M.E. McGarrity, C.M. Schalk & C.G. Montaña. 2024. Live bait industry as a pathway for movement of nonnative and invasive species: implications for conservation of native Texas fishes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management.
Shepta, E.G, J. Perkin, K. Mayes, C.M. Schalk & C.G. Montaña. 2023. The ecological niche of native and invasive fish congeners in Texas streams: evidence from morphology, stable isotope analysis, and stomach contents analysis. Biological Invasions.
Turner, T., Bart, H.Jr., A. Besser, R. Bowes, E. DeArmon, C. Dillman, K. Driscoll, A. Dugger, G. Hamilton, P. Harris, D. Hendrickson, J. Joffman, J. Knouft, R. Lepak, H. Lopez-Fernandez, C.G. Montaña, S. Newsome, A. Pease, W. Smith, C. Taylor, & R. Welicky. 2023. Long-term ecological research in freshwater enabled by regional biodiversity collections, stable isotope analysis, and environmental informatics. BioScience.
Rosenbaum, D.G, D. Saenz, C.G. Montaña, Y. Zhang & C.M. Schalk. 2023. Detection, occupancy, and abundance of the alligator snapping turtle in Texas. Journal of Wildlife Management 2023;e22409.
Castillo, V., J. Swanson & C.G. Montaña. 2023. Ecological aspects of the Pirate perch (Apredoderus sayanus) in East Texas streams. Southeastern Naturalist 21(4):299-315.
Antoniazzi, R., C.G. Montaña, D. Peterson & C.M. Schalk. 2023. Changes in taxonomic and functional diversity of an urban stream fish assemblage: a 30-year perspective. Frontiers Sec. Freshwater Science
Perkin, J.S., C.G. Montaña, E.J. Nogueira, B.B. Brandao, G.M. Mattox & K.W. Conway. 2022. Estimated richness and environmental correlates of miniature fish assemblages in the Rio Jacundá, Brazil? Neotropical Ichthyology 20(2):1-16.
Aragón-Flores, E.AG, R. Rodiles-Hernández, M. Soria-Barreto, C.G. Montaña, M.M. Castillo & M. Cazzanelli. 2022. Trophic Ecology and resource partitioning of Centropomus undecimales and Centropomus poeyi in the Usumacinta River Delta. Transactions of American Fisheries Society.
Montaña, C.G., F. Keppeler, C. Laughrey & C.M. Schalk. 2021. Community assembly within ponds: The role of space, time, and environmental gradients. Aquatic Ecology.
Montaña, C.G., E. Liverpool, D.C. Taphorn & C.M. Schalk. 2021. The cost of gold: Mercury contamination of fishes in a Neotropical river food web. Neotropical Ichthyology 19(3):e200155.
Keppeler, F., C.G. Montaña & K.O. Winemiller. 2020. The relationship between trophic level and body size in fishes depends on functional traits. Ecological Monographs 90(4): e01415.
Soria-Barreto, M., R. Rodiles-Hernandez, C.G. Montaña, M.M. Castillo & K. O. Winemiller. 2020. Food web structure along the longitudinal fluvial gradient of the Usumacinta River. Marine & Freshwater Research 72:353-364.
Arbour, J.A, C.G. Montaña, K.O. Winemiller, A. Pease M. Soria-Barreto, J. Cochran-Biederman & H. López-Fernández. 2020. Macroevolutionary analyses indicate that repeated adaptive shifts towards predatory diets affect functional diversity in Neotropical cichlids. Biological Jounal of Linnean Society 129(4):844-861.
Montaña, C.G., F.W. Keppeler, C. Ou & K.O. Winemiller. 2020. Functional and trophic diversity of fishes in the Mekong-3S river system: comparison of morphological and isotopic patterns. Environmental Biology of Fishes 103(2):185-200.
Jobe, K.LU, C.G. Montaña & C.M Schalk. 2019. Emergent patterns between salamander prey and their predators. Food Webs e00128
Montaña, C.G., S. Silva, D. Hagyari, J. Wager, L. Tiegs, C. Sadeghian, T.A. Schriever, C.M. Schalk. 2019. Revisiting ‘What do tadpoles really eat?: A ten-year perspective. Freshwater Biology 64:2269-2282
Zhang, C. R. Zhong, Z. Wang, Montaña, Y. Song, K. Pan, S. Wang & Y. Wu. 2019. Intra-annual variation of zooplankton community structure and dynamics in response to the changing strength of biomanipulation with two planktivorous fishes. Ecological indicators 101:670-678.
Allgeier, J., C.A Layman, C.G. Montaña, S. Hensel, R. Appaldo & A. Rosemond. 2018 Anthropogenic versus fish-derived nutrient effects on seagrass community structure and function. Ecology 99(8):1792-1801
Winemiller, K.O, D.C. Taphorn, L.C. Kelso-Winemiller, E.O. López, F. Keppele & C.G. Montaña. 2018. Fish metacommunity structure in Caño Maraca, an important nursery habitat in the Western Llanos of Venezuela. Neotropical Ichthyology 16(4): e180074
Schalk, C.M., C.G. Montaña, K. Kralman, D.J. Leavitt. 2018. Functional distance and establishment of non-native species with complex life cycles. Biological Invasions 20(8), 1945-1952
Montaña, C.G. & C.M. Schalk. 2018. Correlates of elemental-isotopic composition of stream fishes: the importance of land-use, species identity and body size. Journal of Fish Biology 92:944-960
Ceneviva-Bastos, M., C.G. Montaña, C.M. Schalk, L. Casatti & P.B. Camargo. 2017. Does the addition of structural complexity and basal resource diversity affect food web structure of degraded streams? Austral Ecology 42:908-919.
Ou, C., C.G. Montaña & K.O. Winemiller. 2017. Body size–trophic position relationships among fishes of the Lower Mekong Basin. Royal Society Open Science 4:160645
Schalk, C.M., C.G. Montaña, K.O Winemiller & L.A. Fitzgerald. 2017. Trophic plasticity, environmental gradients, and food web structure of tropical pond communities. Freshwater Biology
Layman, C.A., J. Allgeier & C.G. Montaña. 2016. Mechanistic evidence of enhanced production on artificial reefs: A case study in a Bahamian seagrass ecosystem. Ecological Engineering 95:574-579
Willis, S.C., K.O. Winemiller, C.G. Montaña, P. Reiss, J. Macrander, I.P. Farias & G. Ortí. 2015. Population genetics of the speckled peacock bass (Cichla temensis): implications for management of South America’s most important sportfishery. Conservation Genetics 16:1345-1357
Schalk, C.M., C.G. Montaña & L.E. Springer. 2015. Morphological diversity and community organization of desert anurans. Journal of Arid Environments 122:132-140
Montaña, C.G., C.A. Layman & K.O. Winemiller. 2015. Species-area relationship in benthic habitat patches in a tropical river: an experimental demonstration. Austral Ecology 40:331-336
Montaña, C.G., C.M. Schalk & M. Cenevica-Bastos. 2014. New vertebrate prey for the aquatic salamander Amphiuma means (Caudata: Amphiumidae). Herpetology Note 7:755-756
Winemiller, K.O., C.G. Montaña, D.L. Roelke, J.B. Cotner, J.V. Montoya, L. Sanchez, M.M. Castillo & C.A. Layman. 2014. Pulsing hydrology determines top-down control of basal resources by fish and meiofauna in a tropical river-floodplain ecosystem. Ecological Monographs 84(4):621-635
Montaña, C.G., K.O. Winemiller & A. Sutton. 2014. Intercontinental comparison of fish ecomorphology: null model tests of community assembly at the patch scale in rivers. Ecological Monographs 84(1): 91–107
Schalk, C.M., C.G. Montaña, J.L. Klemish & E.R. Wild. 2014. On the diet of the frogs of the Ceratophryidae: Synopsis and new contributions. South American Journal of Herpetology 9:90-105
Schalk, C.M., C.G. Montaña & M. Libson. 2014. Reproductive strategies of two Neotropical killifish, Austrolebias vandenbergi and Neofundulus ornatipinnis (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae) in the Bolivian Gran Chaco. Revista de Biologia Tropical 62(1):109-117
Montaña, C.G. & K.O. Winemiller. 2013. Evolutionary convergence in Neotropical cichlids and Nearctic centrarchids: evidence from morphology, diet and stable isotope analysis. Biological Journal of Linnean Society 109:146-164
López-Fernández, H., K.O. Winemiller, C.G. Montaña & R.L. Honeycutt. 2012. Diet-morphology correlations in the radiation of South American Geophagine Cichlids (Perciformes: Cichlidae: Cichlinae). PlosOne 7(4):e33997
Willis, S.C., H. López-Fernández, C.G. Montaña, I.P. Farias & G. Orti. 2012. Species-level phylogeny of ‘Satan’s perches’ based on discordant gene trees (Teleostei: Cichlidae: Satanoperca Gűnther 1862). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 63:789-808
Montaña, C.G., C.M. Schalk & D.C. Taphorn. 2012. First record of Van den Berg's Pearlfish, Austrolebias vandenbergi Huber, 1995 (Cyprinodontiformes, Rivulidae) in Bolivia with comments on its diet and reproductive biology. Check List 8:589-591
Schalk, C.M. & C.G. Montaña. 2012. Liophis peocilogyrus (Yellow-bellied Liophis): Diet and foraging behavior. Herpetological Review 43(1):148
Schalk, C.M. & C.G. Montaña. 2011. Ceratophrys cranwelli (Cranwell’s Horned Frog): Diet. Herpetological Review 42(3):409-410
Ou, C., C.G. Montaña, K.O. Winemiller & K.W. Conway. 2011. Schistura diminuta, a new miniature loach from the Mekong River drainage of Cambodia (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae). Ichthyological Explorations of Freshwaters 22(3):193-200
Montaña, C.G., C.A. Layman & K.O.Winemiller. 2011. Gape size influences seasonal patterns of piscivore diets in three Neotropical rivers. Neotropical Ichthyology 9(3):647-665
Montaña, C.G., S. Choudhary & K.O. Winemiller. 2011. Seasonal dynamics of fisheries in the Ganges River, Bhagalpur, India. Fisheries Management and Ecology 18:282-296
Montaña, C.G., C.A. Layman & D.C. Taphorn. 2011. Inventario de la ictiofauna del Caño La Guardia, afluente del río Capanaparo (cuenca del Orinoco), estado Apure, Venezuela. Biota Colombiana 11(1-2):75-88
Montaña, C.G. & K.O. Winemille. 2010. Local-scale habitat influences morphological diversity of species assemblages of cichlid fishes in a tropical floodplain river. Ecology of freshwater Fish 19:216-227
Willis, S.C., M. Numes, C.G. Montaña, I.P. Farias, G. Orti & N.R. Lovejoy. 2010. The Casiquiare River acts a corridor between the Amazons and Orinoco river basins: biogeographic analysis of the genus Cichla. Molecular Ecology 19:1014-1030
Layman, C. A., C.G. Montaña & J. E. Allgeier. 2010. Linking community assembly and rates of water level change in river littoral habitats. Aquatic Ecology 44:269–273
Montaña C.G. & K.O. Winemiller. 2009. Comparative feeding ecology and habitats use of Crenicichla species (Perciformes: Cichlidae) in a Venezuelan floodplain river. Neotropical Ichthyology 7:267-274
Montaña, C.G., C.A. Layman & D.C. Taphorn. 2008. Comparison of fish assemblages in two littoral habitats in a Neotropical morichal stream in Venezuela. Neotropical Ichthyology 6(4):577-582
Montaña, C.G. 2008. Cichlids in a Neotropical Blackwater Floodplain River-Cinaruco River, Venezuela. Part I: Overview. Buntbarsche Bulletin 248:11-16
Montaña, C.G., H. López-Fernández & D.C. Taphorn. 2008. A new species of the genus Crenicichla (Perciformes: Cichlidae) from Ventuari River, Upper Orinoco River, Amazonas State, Venezuela. Zootaxa 1856:3340
Montaña, C.G. 2008. Cichla ocellaris del Río Cuyuni. In: J.P Rodríguez & F. Rojas-Suárez. Libro Rojo de Peces amenazados de Venezuela. Provita, Caracas
Post, D.M., D.A. Arrington, C.A. Layman, G. Takimoto, J. Quattrochi & C.G. Montaña. 2007. Getting to the fat of the matter: model, methods and assumptions for dealing with lipids in stable isotopes analysis. Oecologia 152:179-189
Layman, C.A., D.A. Arrington, C.G. Montaña & D.M. Post. 2007. Can stable isotope ratios provide for community-wide measures of trophic structure? Ecology 86(9): 2530-2535
Willis, S.C., M. Numes, C.G. Montaña, I.P. Farias & N.R. Lovejoy. 2007. Systematics, biogeography, and evolution of Cichla (Perciformes: Cichlidae) with insight into the origin of tropical freshwater fish diversity in South America. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 44: 291-307
Montaña, C.G., D.C. Taphorn, C.A. Layman & C. Lasso. 2007. Distribución, alimentación and reproducción de tres species de pavones Cichla spp. (Perciformes, Cichlidae) en la cuenca del Rio Ventuari, Venezuela. Memoria de la Fundación La Salle de Ciencias Naturales 165: 83-102
Taphorn, D.C., C.G. Montaña & P. Buckup. 2006. Characidium longum (Characiformes: Crenuchidae): A New Species of Fish from Venezuela. Zootaxa 1247:1-12
Montaña, C.G., D.C. Taphorn, C.A. Layman & C.A. Lasso. 2005. Ecology and Conservation of Peacok Cichlids (Cichla spp.) in lower Ventuari River, Amazonas State, Venezuela. RAP Bulletin of Biological Assessment. Conservation International. Washington DC, USA
Montaña, C.G., D.C. Taphorn, L. Nico, C.A. Lasso, O. Leon-Mata, A. Giraldo, O.Lasso-Alcala, C. DoNascimiento & N. Milan. 2005. Fishes of the Ventuari River Basin, Amazonas state (Venezuela): Results of BioCentro, Fundacion La Salle and Fundacion Tierra Parima Research’s. RAP Bulletin of Biological Assessment. Conservation International. Washington DC, USA
Fry, B., C. Young, C.G. Montaña, L. Kelso-Winemiller & K.O. Winemiller (In Review). Intra-guild and spatial variation in trophic ecology of fishes in the Rupununi River Guyana: evidence from isotope analysis. Neotropical Ichthyology
Montaña C.G., C.S. Adams, Arnett, J.M & C.M. Schalk (In Review). Resource Niche partitioning among native and non-native lizards in an urban environment. Canadian journal of Zoology.
Shepta, E.G, C. Plummer & C.G. Montaña. (In PRESS). Assessing the health of a stream in East Texas: An approach using aquatic invertebrates and fish as bioindicators. Southeastern Naturalist.
Li, J., Z. Huang, W. Guo, B Liu, C.G. Montaña, H. Wang, Z. Wang. 2024. River regulation effects on zooplankton community assembly: implications for arid river restoration and conservation. River Research and Applications.
Rosenbaum, D.G., C.G. Montaña, Y. Zhang, M. Chumchal, D. Saenz & C.M. Schalk. 2024. Intraspecific Variation in Mercury Contamination of Alligator Snapping Turtles (Macrochelys temminckii). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.
Shepta, E.G, J. Perkin, K. Mayes, M.E. McGarrity, C.M. Schalk & C.G. Montaña. 2024. Live bait industry as a pathway for movement of nonnative and invasive species: implications for conservation of native Texas fishes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management.
Shepta, E.G, J. Perkin, K. Mayes, C.M. Schalk & C.G. Montaña. 2023. The ecological niche of native and invasive fish congeners in Texas streams: evidence from morphology, stable isotope analysis, and stomach contents analysis. Biological Invasions.
Turner, T., Bart, H.Jr., A. Besser, R. Bowes, E. DeArmon, C. Dillman, K. Driscoll, A. Dugger, G. Hamilton, P. Harris, D. Hendrickson, J. Joffman, J. Knouft, R. Lepak, H. Lopez-Fernandez, C.G. Montaña, S. Newsome, A. Pease, W. Smith, C. Taylor, & R. Welicky. 2023. Long-term ecological research in freshwater enabled by regional biodiversity collections, stable isotope analysis, and environmental informatics. BioScience.
Rosenbaum, D.G, D. Saenz, C.G. Montaña, Y. Zhang & C.M. Schalk. 2023. Detection, occupancy, and abundance of the alligator snapping turtle in Texas. Journal of Wildlife Management 2023;e22409.
Castillo, V., J. Swanson & C.G. Montaña. 2023. Ecological aspects of the Pirate perch (Apredoderus sayanus) in East Texas streams. Southeastern Naturalist 21(4):299-315.
Antoniazzi, R., C.G. Montaña, D. Peterson & C.M. Schalk. 2023. Changes in taxonomic and functional diversity of an urban stream fish assemblage: a 30-year perspective. Frontiers Sec. Freshwater Science
Perkin, J.S., C.G. Montaña, E.J. Nogueira, B.B. Brandao, G.M. Mattox & K.W. Conway. 2022. Estimated richness and environmental correlates of miniature fish assemblages in the Rio Jacundá, Brazil? Neotropical Ichthyology 20(2):1-16.
Aragón-Flores, E.AG, R. Rodiles-Hernández, M. Soria-Barreto, C.G. Montaña, M.M. Castillo & M. Cazzanelli. 2022. Trophic Ecology and resource partitioning of Centropomus undecimales and Centropomus poeyi in the Usumacinta River Delta. Transactions of American Fisheries Society.
Montaña, C.G., F. Keppeler, C. Laughrey & C.M. Schalk. 2021. Community assembly within ponds: The role of space, time, and environmental gradients. Aquatic Ecology.
Montaña, C.G., E. Liverpool, D.C. Taphorn & C.M. Schalk. 2021. The cost of gold: Mercury contamination of fishes in a Neotropical river food web. Neotropical Ichthyology 19(3):e200155.
Keppeler, F., C.G. Montaña & K.O. Winemiller. 2020. The relationship between trophic level and body size in fishes depends on functional traits. Ecological Monographs 90(4): e01415.
Soria-Barreto, M., R. Rodiles-Hernandez, C.G. Montaña, M.M. Castillo & K. O. Winemiller. 2020. Food web structure along the longitudinal fluvial gradient of the Usumacinta River. Marine & Freshwater Research 72:353-364.
Arbour, J.A, C.G. Montaña, K.O. Winemiller, A. Pease M. Soria-Barreto, J. Cochran-Biederman & H. López-Fernández. 2020. Macroevolutionary analyses indicate that repeated adaptive shifts towards predatory diets affect functional diversity in Neotropical cichlids. Biological Jounal of Linnean Society 129(4):844-861.
Montaña, C.G., F.W. Keppeler, C. Ou & K.O. Winemiller. 2020. Functional and trophic diversity of fishes in the Mekong-3S river system: comparison of morphological and isotopic patterns. Environmental Biology of Fishes 103(2):185-200.
Jobe, K.LU, C.G. Montaña & C.M Schalk. 2019. Emergent patterns between salamander prey and their predators. Food Webs e00128
Montaña, C.G., S. Silva, D. Hagyari, J. Wager, L. Tiegs, C. Sadeghian, T.A. Schriever, C.M. Schalk. 2019. Revisiting ‘What do tadpoles really eat?: A ten-year perspective. Freshwater Biology 64:2269-2282
Zhang, C. R. Zhong, Z. Wang, Montaña, Y. Song, K. Pan, S. Wang & Y. Wu. 2019. Intra-annual variation of zooplankton community structure and dynamics in response to the changing strength of biomanipulation with two planktivorous fishes. Ecological indicators 101:670-678.
Allgeier, J., C.A Layman, C.G. Montaña, S. Hensel, R. Appaldo & A. Rosemond. 2018 Anthropogenic versus fish-derived nutrient effects on seagrass community structure and function. Ecology 99(8):1792-1801
Winemiller, K.O, D.C. Taphorn, L.C. Kelso-Winemiller, E.O. López, F. Keppele & C.G. Montaña. 2018. Fish metacommunity structure in Caño Maraca, an important nursery habitat in the Western Llanos of Venezuela. Neotropical Ichthyology 16(4): e180074
Schalk, C.M., C.G. Montaña, K. Kralman, D.J. Leavitt. 2018. Functional distance and establishment of non-native species with complex life cycles. Biological Invasions 20(8), 1945-1952
Montaña, C.G. & C.M. Schalk. 2018. Correlates of elemental-isotopic composition of stream fishes: the importance of land-use, species identity and body size. Journal of Fish Biology 92:944-960
Ceneviva-Bastos, M., C.G. Montaña, C.M. Schalk, L. Casatti & P.B. Camargo. 2017. Does the addition of structural complexity and basal resource diversity affect food web structure of degraded streams? Austral Ecology 42:908-919.
Ou, C., C.G. Montaña & K.O. Winemiller. 2017. Body size–trophic position relationships among fishes of the Lower Mekong Basin. Royal Society Open Science 4:160645
Schalk, C.M., C.G. Montaña, K.O Winemiller & L.A. Fitzgerald. 2017. Trophic plasticity, environmental gradients, and food web structure of tropical pond communities. Freshwater Biology
Layman, C.A., J. Allgeier & C.G. Montaña. 2016. Mechanistic evidence of enhanced production on artificial reefs: A case study in a Bahamian seagrass ecosystem. Ecological Engineering 95:574-579
Willis, S.C., K.O. Winemiller, C.G. Montaña, P. Reiss, J. Macrander, I.P. Farias & G. Ortí. 2015. Population genetics of the speckled peacock bass (Cichla temensis): implications for management of South America’s most important sportfishery. Conservation Genetics 16:1345-1357
Schalk, C.M., C.G. Montaña & L.E. Springer. 2015. Morphological diversity and community organization of desert anurans. Journal of Arid Environments 122:132-140
Montaña, C.G., C.A. Layman & K.O. Winemiller. 2015. Species-area relationship in benthic habitat patches in a tropical river: an experimental demonstration. Austral Ecology 40:331-336
Montaña, C.G., C.M. Schalk & M. Cenevica-Bastos. 2014. New vertebrate prey for the aquatic salamander Amphiuma means (Caudata: Amphiumidae). Herpetology Note 7:755-756
Winemiller, K.O., C.G. Montaña, D.L. Roelke, J.B. Cotner, J.V. Montoya, L. Sanchez, M.M. Castillo & C.A. Layman. 2014. Pulsing hydrology determines top-down control of basal resources by fish and meiofauna in a tropical river-floodplain ecosystem. Ecological Monographs 84(4):621-635
Montaña, C.G., K.O. Winemiller & A. Sutton. 2014. Intercontinental comparison of fish ecomorphology: null model tests of community assembly at the patch scale in rivers. Ecological Monographs 84(1): 91–107
Schalk, C.M., C.G. Montaña, J.L. Klemish & E.R. Wild. 2014. On the diet of the frogs of the Ceratophryidae: Synopsis and new contributions. South American Journal of Herpetology 9:90-105
Schalk, C.M., C.G. Montaña & M. Libson. 2014. Reproductive strategies of two Neotropical killifish, Austrolebias vandenbergi and Neofundulus ornatipinnis (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae) in the Bolivian Gran Chaco. Revista de Biologia Tropical 62(1):109-117
Montaña, C.G. & K.O. Winemiller. 2013. Evolutionary convergence in Neotropical cichlids and Nearctic centrarchids: evidence from morphology, diet and stable isotope analysis. Biological Journal of Linnean Society 109:146-164
López-Fernández, H., K.O. Winemiller, C.G. Montaña & R.L. Honeycutt. 2012. Diet-morphology correlations in the radiation of South American Geophagine Cichlids (Perciformes: Cichlidae: Cichlinae). PlosOne 7(4):e33997
Willis, S.C., H. López-Fernández, C.G. Montaña, I.P. Farias & G. Orti. 2012. Species-level phylogeny of ‘Satan’s perches’ based on discordant gene trees (Teleostei: Cichlidae: Satanoperca Gűnther 1862). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 63:789-808
Montaña, C.G., C.M. Schalk & D.C. Taphorn. 2012. First record of Van den Berg's Pearlfish, Austrolebias vandenbergi Huber, 1995 (Cyprinodontiformes, Rivulidae) in Bolivia with comments on its diet and reproductive biology. Check List 8:589-591
Schalk, C.M. & C.G. Montaña. 2012. Liophis peocilogyrus (Yellow-bellied Liophis): Diet and foraging behavior. Herpetological Review 43(1):148
Schalk, C.M. & C.G. Montaña. 2011. Ceratophrys cranwelli (Cranwell’s Horned Frog): Diet. Herpetological Review 42(3):409-410
Ou, C., C.G. Montaña, K.O. Winemiller & K.W. Conway. 2011. Schistura diminuta, a new miniature loach from the Mekong River drainage of Cambodia (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae). Ichthyological Explorations of Freshwaters 22(3):193-200
Montaña, C.G., C.A. Layman & K.O.Winemiller. 2011. Gape size influences seasonal patterns of piscivore diets in three Neotropical rivers. Neotropical Ichthyology 9(3):647-665
Montaña, C.G., S. Choudhary & K.O. Winemiller. 2011. Seasonal dynamics of fisheries in the Ganges River, Bhagalpur, India. Fisheries Management and Ecology 18:282-296
Montaña, C.G., C.A. Layman & D.C. Taphorn. 2011. Inventario de la ictiofauna del Caño La Guardia, afluente del río Capanaparo (cuenca del Orinoco), estado Apure, Venezuela. Biota Colombiana 11(1-2):75-88
Montaña, C.G. & K.O. Winemille. 2010. Local-scale habitat influences morphological diversity of species assemblages of cichlid fishes in a tropical floodplain river. Ecology of freshwater Fish 19:216-227
Willis, S.C., M. Numes, C.G. Montaña, I.P. Farias, G. Orti & N.R. Lovejoy. 2010. The Casiquiare River acts a corridor between the Amazons and Orinoco river basins: biogeographic analysis of the genus Cichla. Molecular Ecology 19:1014-1030
Layman, C. A., C.G. Montaña & J. E. Allgeier. 2010. Linking community assembly and rates of water level change in river littoral habitats. Aquatic Ecology 44:269–273
Montaña C.G. & K.O. Winemiller. 2009. Comparative feeding ecology and habitats use of Crenicichla species (Perciformes: Cichlidae) in a Venezuelan floodplain river. Neotropical Ichthyology 7:267-274
Montaña, C.G., C.A. Layman & D.C. Taphorn. 2008. Comparison of fish assemblages in two littoral habitats in a Neotropical morichal stream in Venezuela. Neotropical Ichthyology 6(4):577-582
Montaña, C.G. 2008. Cichlids in a Neotropical Blackwater Floodplain River-Cinaruco River, Venezuela. Part I: Overview. Buntbarsche Bulletin 248:11-16
Montaña, C.G., H. López-Fernández & D.C. Taphorn. 2008. A new species of the genus Crenicichla (Perciformes: Cichlidae) from Ventuari River, Upper Orinoco River, Amazonas State, Venezuela. Zootaxa 1856:3340
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Post, D.M., D.A. Arrington, C.A. Layman, G. Takimoto, J. Quattrochi & C.G. Montaña. 2007. Getting to the fat of the matter: model, methods and assumptions for dealing with lipids in stable isotopes analysis. Oecologia 152:179-189
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Willis, S.C., M. Numes, C.G. Montaña, I.P. Farias & N.R. Lovejoy. 2007. Systematics, biogeography, and evolution of Cichla (Perciformes: Cichlidae) with insight into the origin of tropical freshwater fish diversity in South America. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 44: 291-307
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Taphorn, D.C., C.G. Montaña & P. Buckup. 2006. Characidium longum (Characiformes: Crenuchidae): A New Species of Fish from Venezuela. Zootaxa 1247:1-12
Montaña, C.G., D.C. Taphorn, C.A. Layman & C.A. Lasso. 2005. Ecology and Conservation of Peacok Cichlids (Cichla spp.) in lower Ventuari River, Amazonas State, Venezuela. RAP Bulletin of Biological Assessment. Conservation International. Washington DC, USA
Montaña, C.G., D.C. Taphorn, L. Nico, C.A. Lasso, O. Leon-Mata, A. Giraldo, O.Lasso-Alcala, C. DoNascimiento & N. Milan. 2005. Fishes of the Ventuari River Basin, Amazonas state (Venezuela): Results of BioCentro, Fundacion La Salle and Fundacion Tierra Parima Research’s. RAP Bulletin of Biological Assessment. Conservation International. Washington DC, USA